Recently, I am very stressful with my work. This is not because of the work load or need to OT every night. The reason is boss assigned me to setup new products. There are 2 which dragged me almost 2 months but I have not successfully fix all the setup's bugs & few days ago there is another new 1 to setup. Oh no~~ another dino~~.. ==!
Today ~Lucki Day~, finally i got some hits on it!! Really need to thanks to some colleague who did not mind to stay back and help me out. I will continues on it, ~gambette ne~
This few months I glad that boss keep assigned all this hard works to me, I really learnt lots & build me up with my troubleshooting skills. Maybe this showed that I can perform & really do my work.
The sad part is I am not strong enough, I really hope I can perform more well & more efficient. My weaknesses that need to improve are:
1. My communication skill - english
2. My understanding to all the work I doing
3. Can be more up front to face with people
4. Keep learning~~
Now is time to chat with my dear~ :P
~~ 皆さんお休みなさい。明日いしょおにがんば伝ね ~~